4.5" Garden Exclusives - Begonia Dragon Wing Pink
This showy begonia is ideal for most shady gardens. Its vigorous growth and drought tolerant characteristics provide you with a great plant for those hard to plant areas.
The Dragon Wing™ series boast large, glossy green or bronze, pointed leaves with either red, pink, or white flowers. This plant works great in hanging baskets and containers but is durable and showy enough for use in the garden as well.
4.5" Garden Exclusives Begonia Dragon Wing
Pink - Green Leaf UPC: 8-40463-30076-3
Pink - Bronze LeafUPC: 8-40463-30077-0
Red - Green Leaf UPC: 8-40463-30078-7
Red - Bronze Leaf UPC: 8-40463-30079-4
White - Green LeafUPC: 8-40463-30080-0
(Ships as 10 - 4.5" Pots per flat)
10" Hanging Basket Begonia Dragon Wing UPC: 8-40463-30470-9