4.5" Garden Exclusives Gerber Daisy UPC: 8-40463-30171-5
(Ships as 10 - 4.5" Pots per flat)
10" Patio Planter Gerber Daisy
(SOLD ASSORTED) Premium UPC: 8-40463-30524-9
All Plants :: All 4.5 Garden Excl. :: All Flowering :: All Patio Planters
These Gerber Daisies are shipped in assorted colors. Boasting flower heads from 3 - 4 inches in width, they are a great pop of color in the garden and containers.
4.5" = Jaguar Series
10" Patio Planter = Mega Revolution Series
4.5" Garden Exclusives Gerber Daisy UPC: 8-40463-30171-5
(Ships as 10 - 4.5" Pots per flat)
10" Patio Planter Gerber Daisy
(SOLD ASSORTED) Premium UPC: 8-40463-30524-9