4.5" Garden Exclusives Osteospermum 4D
Blue Ice UPC: 8-40463-30220-0
Purple UPC: 8-40463-30221-7
Yellow UPC: 8-40463-30222-4
(Ships as 10 - 4.5" Pots per flat)
All Plants :: All 4.5 Garden Excl. :: All Flowering
The 4D Osteospermum has replaced the 3D™ Osteospermum. One of the main reasons is that the 4D has a more compact growth than the previous 3D version. Just like with the 3D version the 4D blooms stay open during the day and the night. Very easy to care for and offers full color, even in the early months.
4.5" Garden Exclusives Osteospermum 4D
Blue Ice UPC: 8-40463-30220-0
Purple UPC: 8-40463-30221-7
Yellow UPC: 8-40463-30222-4
(Ships as 10 - 4.5" Pots per flat)