4.0" Healthy Harvest Vegetable UPC: 7-26694-30096-6
(Ships as 10 - 4.0" Pots per flat)
1 Gallon Healthy Harvest Vegetable UPC: 7-26694-30084-3
(Ships as 6 - 1 Gallon Pots per flat)
Tomato Brandywine Red (Heirloom)
(4.0" HH, 1 Gallon HH)
This popular Heirloom tomato produces very large, thin skinned fruit that is great for tasting.
80-90 days
1 - 2 lb Scarlet-Pink Fruit
Tomato German Johnson (Heirloom)
(4.0" HH)
This Heirloom tomato produces very large, great flavored fruit.
80 days
1+ Pound Orangish-Red Fruit
Tomato Motgage Lifter (Heirloom)
(4.0" HH)
This Heirloom variety produces very large and tasty fruit.
80 days
1 - 2 lb Red Fruit
Tomato Mr. Stripey (Heirloom)
(4.0" HH)
This low acidic Heirloom tomato produces very large, red and yellow striped fruit
80 days
1+ pound Red Fruit with Yellow Stripes
HH= Healthy Harvest
All of these tomatoes are Indeterminate
4.0" Healthy Harvest Vegetable UPC: 7-26694-30096-6
(Ships as 10 - 4.0" Pots per flat)
1 Gallon Healthy Harvest Vegetable UPC: 7-26694-30084-3
(Ships as 6 - 1 Gallon Pots per flat)