4.0" Healthy Harvest Stevia UPC: 8-40463-30601-7
(Ships as 10 - 4.0" Pots per flat)
Becoming more popular with such a high demand for low-carb alternatives, Stevia is an alternative to other sweeteners. Does not like to dry out, but plant in only well drained soil. Pinching promotes branching. Drying the plant cuttings by hanging them upside down and then grinding them with a mortar and pestle will produce Green Stevia Powder. This powder can be used in many recipes, but remember, a little goes a long way. 2-4 tsp = 1 cup of sugar for sweetness.
4.0" Healthy Harvest Stevia UPC: 8-40463-30601-7
(Ships as 10 - 4.0" Pots per flat)